Cut Flower Care

General Tips to extend vase life:

  • Keep your flowers out of direct sunlight. Heat and sun cause cut flowers to wilt and age faster.

  • Change the water daily and wash the vessel regularly. Your vase should be clean enough to drink out of.

  • Trim stems every few days to allow maximum water flow.

  • Supplementing with flower food is recommended but not required. We provide a week’s worth of flower food with every presentation. *Please note you should never use the entire packet in a single vase. A dash will do ya

Things to keep in mind:

  • These are field-grown flowers and we do not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. You may occasionally find a bug or see bug damage.

  • To provide you with the longest vase life possible, flowers are cut slightly before they are fully open. If a flower looks small on the first day, it will eventually open up to full bloom.

  • We choose plants that are meant to grow in our climate and that positively impact the ecosystem. While we grow over 30 different varieties of flowers, we will not have tropical or exotic flowers and there will be repeats of blooms used weekly.

  • Flowers will drop pollen and petals. We try and utilize pollen-free sunflowers are much as possible, but there may be some residual pollen on table tops where your flowers are displayed.

  • With the exception of the rubber bands, staples, and the FRF sticker, your entire bouquet presentation is compostable. Because we grow without chemical fertilizers or pesticides you can discard the packaging and the flowers into the compost bin once you’re done enjoying them.